By healing the roots of our problems that are choking out the growth of our own Tree of Life we can then thrive and grow in ways we never thought possible.
Those roots are the part of the tree part that are hiden underneath yet they determine how we will grow, how we will nourish ourselves (on all levels) as well as whether we are able to stand tall or fall over with a big storm.
These roots also determine our limiting beliefs and the way we have configured our thoughts. All of our beliefs live in those roots and determine how we look, act and feel on the top.
My "I'm not good enough" is a big limiting belief that lives in the roots (although there much less of it!) of my tree and as a result keeps some of my tree from blossoming and creating the fruit and flowers I desire. As I do my C.O.R.E. work and heal those roots that feeling of not being good enough has become less and less.
These limiting beliefs have come about because of something that happened in our lives and now these beliefs live in our subconscious (much like the roots of the tree). As we have new thoughts and ideas they travel through the filter of our subconscious attaching to them the negative thoughts and beliefs that then muck up our pure thoughts. Again it is much like the roots of the tree and their ability to take up water and nutrients, if the roots are weak or filled with ill health they will not be able to bring all that is needed for the tree to grow and prosper. The tree is able to look good on the top for a long time but then with a big storm it will most likely fall over or gradually over time it will become sick and eventually die.
Are you letting those limiting beliefs suck the life out of your tree? Are you struggling with sickness that you can't seem to shake? Do you look good on the outside but feel a mess on the inside? Are you ready to begin healing those roots?
As the trees of nature begin to wake up and get their sap flowing it is also time for us to awaken and get our healing juices flowing. Pick an area of your life that is causing the most challenges and lets get your get your Tree of Life growing!
Those roots are the part of the tree part that are hiden underneath yet they determine how we will grow, how we will nourish ourselves (on all levels) as well as whether we are able to stand tall or fall over with a big storm.
These roots also determine our limiting beliefs and the way we have configured our thoughts. All of our beliefs live in those roots and determine how we look, act and feel on the top.
My "I'm not good enough" is a big limiting belief that lives in the roots (although there much less of it!) of my tree and as a result keeps some of my tree from blossoming and creating the fruit and flowers I desire. As I do my C.O.R.E. work and heal those roots that feeling of not being good enough has become less and less.
These limiting beliefs have come about because of something that happened in our lives and now these beliefs live in our subconscious (much like the roots of the tree). As we have new thoughts and ideas they travel through the filter of our subconscious attaching to them the negative thoughts and beliefs that then muck up our pure thoughts. Again it is much like the roots of the tree and their ability to take up water and nutrients, if the roots are weak or filled with ill health they will not be able to bring all that is needed for the tree to grow and prosper. The tree is able to look good on the top for a long time but then with a big storm it will most likely fall over or gradually over time it will become sick and eventually die.
Are you letting those limiting beliefs suck the life out of your tree? Are you struggling with sickness that you can't seem to shake? Do you look good on the outside but feel a mess on the inside? Are you ready to begin healing those roots?
As the trees of nature begin to wake up and get their sap flowing it is also time for us to awaken and get our healing juices flowing. Pick an area of your life that is causing the most challenges and lets get your get your Tree of Life growing!