It's so easy to get caught up puttering around the house with no real plans for the weekend and before you know it the weekend is over. You don't feel rejuvenated or recharged from that time off because you didn't make a conscious effort to do fun and relaxing things. You were caught up with errands, laundry, yard work and kids activities and you forgot to make time for yourself.
How can I write about this? Because I know it, I was in that rat race of working all the time without any time off. Then when I did have time off I never made plans to do things so I never felt that sense of relaxation or fun. However when I did make plans for a true weekend I found myself so much more productive and happier during the week and during the weekend. I wish someone had reminded me to take real time off to enjoy myself so I am here to remind you to take time for yourself.
Now imagine going back to work on Monday after a fabulous weekend of fun times and relaxation. All of your chores were done ahead of time and you are ready to great the week with enthusiasm and vigor. When your colleagues ask you how your weekend was you are glowing and recounting the laughs and the relaxation. Each time you are talking about your fabulous weekend they are feeling envious and sad that their weekend was blah and you are reliving the joy over and over.
We are so much more productive and happier when our free time is filled with laughter and joy. Our stress level decreases, we feel invigorated, and our lives are better over all. When was the last time you spent your time off doing what you wanted to do without being a slave to house work, technology or kids activities? Enjoying a full weekend of fun does not mean chores are neglected and you have a pile of work to do on Monday. When we make that conscious effort to have time off that is truly free time then we also make our work time more productive.
Think back to the time when you had a vacation planned and your excitement and enthusiasm about it as it got closer each day. Imagine feeling that sense of joy each week as you get closer to your free time each week. Freeing yourself from that weekly stress will make you healthier and happier.
When you manage your household chores during the week they can be done in less time than giving those chores to the entire weekend. For instance doing a load of laundry each day only takes a few minutes of dedicated time for folding without the piles getting overwhelming. Keeping the house picked up with just a few minutes each day, keeps away the overwhelming clutter. Plan ahead with a menu each week of your meals and shop accordingly instead of spinning your wheels with what to make each day. Knowing in advance the menu will make meal preparing much easier and more efficient.
The good news is that with all kinds of newfound free time you can do things you never thought you would have time for. It might include going to new places or it might include spending quality time with friends and family. You might decide to take a weekend class, go on a weekend retreat or you could learn a new sport or improve on one. Maybe you will use this time to challenge yourself to try something or do things to move you closer to a goal.
Begin today to make that intention for free time you can fill with fun. Whatever your plans taking time for yourself will improve your life exponentially. Give yourself that extra time and have fun!