Did I help anyone?
Have I been a loving person?
Is the world a better place because I was in it?
I stopped for a minute and asked myself the same questions about my daily life, am I moving through life with my blinders on automatic pilot? I know that many of us are just focusing on getting through each day without thinking baout making the world better. For me, I know currently I am focusing on making a difference through my counseling practise and as well Helen's Health Tips. Even though I am focusing on making a difference I can still very easily get in a place of doing the same kinds of things day in and day out without really being conscious of how I am making the world a better place.
So now let me think of things I can do consciously on a daily basis that will make the world a better place:
~ choosing happiness and spreading the energy of joy to all I encounter in my day
~ planting flowers in my yard or others which is another way of spreading joy
~ helping someone - giving them a hand, a smile or being kind to them
~ sitting quietly in meditation to calm my mental gymnastics which in turn will help calm others
~ being an example, a role model of happiness and joy for others to be inspired
~ silently blessing those you encounter in your day (I ride my bike on a busy road and bless all that pass me in their cars - I feel better and I believe there is a subtle energetic shift that occurs for them too)
There are a zillion more things I could do to make the world a better place. I believe if we put out that intention through our awareness of being kind and doing good things this world will be a better place. In turn by setting the intention then I am also setting the intention to help others and to be a loving person as well.
Each night as I drift off to sleep and am making a gratitude list of all the goodness in my life I will also make note of the things I have done to make this world a better place. As we know what we focus on grows, I believe by focusing on making this world a better place it will become a better place for everyone.
So now do you want to wait until you are on your death bed to ask and answer these questions or wouldn't it be nicer if we spend each day asking, "Have I made the world a better place today?" and putting effort to making the answer "Yes!". Not only will you be happier but the world around you will be a better place as well.
Blessing to each one of you <3